Registration for Focus Groups with ANSE & EMCC for Supervision and Coaching!

Dear Colleagues,

We are very happy that there are seven people from our EASC community who responded to the call for the Reflective Practice Focus Groups.

Who else might want to participate? 26 people have registered from ANSE and 145 from EMCC. Maybe we can spread out a bit more?

We have extended the registration period. If you would like to participate in the focus groups but have not yet registered, you can still do so until 8 November using this registration form as a participant or moderator.

The meetings will take place online on Wednesday, 15 November from 18:00 - 20:00 CET and/or Saturday, 18 November from 10:00 - 12:00 CET. You can participate in just one or the other, if you have time to participate in both that is possible as well.

We are looking forward to having as many interested people as possible join the groups – it is a great opportunity for learning, exchange, networking for our professions and across the federations! 

We hope to see you in the focus groups!

Your EASC team