Dear EASC members,

Before you receive the regular newsletter in the next few days, we would like to inform you today in more detail about two topics. Two topics that are very close to our hearts in the Executive Board and which we hope will find an open ear among you:

1.      EASC will hold an online meeting on 17 and 18 September in combination with the General Assembly.

Under the motto “Who am I in today´s changing world?" this year we will meet online! The world has changed because of the pandemic! We have changed, learned, suffered, reoriented ourselves. We want to share this with you over two days  - online - to enable everyone in Europe to participate.

New times require new formats - our plans for this are taking shape:

On Friday afternoon, starting at 16.00 h, we will dive into a stimulating conversation about ethical, social and economic questions in Europe! with a guest from science and teaching field.  Questions that concern us not only as counsellors, coaches and supervisors, but above all as human beings. This sociological and philosophical input will surely inspire us! Afterwards, we will discuss interactively and virtually in a fishbowl (1) format.

At 18.00 h we will continue with the annual General Assembly for EASC members! We have a lot of plans and want to advance EASC as a European association - this can only be done together! Would you like to actively shape this as an assessor, board member or leader of a working group? We are looking forward to you!

And afterwards, we invite you to the informal after congress meeting on "Wonder me" to get to know each other, network and exchange ideas. To ensure that everyone is already familiar with these new virtual formats before the congress, we will make explanatory videos available to participants in advance and hold test meetings.

On Saturday, the Zoom format will continue with workshops from you - for you! We have already received numerous workshop offers and are putting them together! If you still have an exciting offer, please let us know! In several time slots we will work together on different topics from the field of coaching and supervision.

Finally, there will also be an informal get-together on "Wonder me" on Saturday!

Two intensive EASC days- virtually and for small money! We will be organising registrations via Eventbrite from June. You will have the opportunity to assess yourself and make a financial solidarity contribution of your choice.

Open, European, in solidarity and together - this time virtually and in 2022 again live in Barcelona!


 2.      Joint Global Statement on Climate Change signed with other European associations!

As the board of EASC, we have signed the Joint Global Statement on Climate Change with 11 other national and European coaching, mentoring and supervision associations. Climate change, like the pandemic, will be with us for a long time and we as coaches and supervisors have a socio-political responsibility, so we have to face up to these issues. We want to discuss the topic with you, will offer a workshop at the congress and invite you to cross discussions beyond the association!

And we as an association will also take a close look at our actions and our work and act in a climate-neutral way in order to leave behind a world that is still worth living in for future generations!

You can read more here

We welcome comments and suggestions on how we can bring this statement to life!

On behalf of the EASC Board

Susanne Rieger

 (1) Fishbowl method means: A small group of 5 people discusses in the middle of the room, two chairs are repeatedly reoccupied so that participants from outside can contribute to a dynamic discussion - this is also possible online!