Dear EASC colleagues,


A difficult year for all of us is coming to an end. 2020 will certainly go down in the history books worldwide. At the last New Year's Eve party, many may still have thought ‘Well, that sounds fun, 2020’! Who would have thought that we would have to face so many social, political and, above all, health challenges this year. Almost everyone knows somebody who is, or was, ill with COVID-19 or sadly did not survive. Our sympathy goes out to them all.

Our thoughts also extend to the people who have lost their jobs as a result of the measures taken to combat the virus, who have had to completely re-orient themselves and who may continue to suffer from the effects for a long time.

I am sure this has also been a difficult year for many of you. Even though it is not so easy in these times, I would like to take a second look with you at this year and see the good things that happened to us in EASC.  Unfortunately, we did not meet in Barcelona for the EASC Congress as planned, but we have developed a new online format that has brought us much closer together. “IT'S EASC TIME” has become a permanent fixture, where we can learn and exchange with each other, and through great solidarity with each other we can do this in several languages. Thanks to all the translators who make this possible!

We have grown in 2020, not only in numbers, but in diversity. We have more contacts, co-operation with universities, and have volunteered at many levels in networks such as the Round Table Coaching, in exams, etc.

Our two office staff members have approached topics and new areas with a lot of verve and energy - in short, we are more in contact and in relationship than at the beginning of the year!

And this is one of the lessons of 2020: relationships, friendships and networks can help in difficult situations. Thank you for reaching out, for thinking of others, for getting involved! We hope to have even more opportunities to meet next year, be it at “It's EASC Time”, be it at a hybrid congress, or be it at real f2f meetings.

2021 will be a new year with joys and challenges for all of us, and we will grow with it! As coaches and supervisors, we have the task and the opportunity to actively participate in shaping society. Our skills will be needed more than ever in the coming years.

Let us also engage in this together as EASC across Europe, exchanging ideas and staying in contact!

Susanne Rieger