Dear members,

We want to say goodbye to you for this year with some information from the Office.


The Office will close its doors to the public for three weeks - from December 21st to January 8th. During this time we will do all the necessary background work to close the year 2020 and prepare for the coming year 2021; and we will also allow ourselves a few days off.

From January 11th, 2021 we will be back with the following telephone business hours for you:

Tuesdays:          09:00 to 01:00 pm
Wednesdays:     04:00 to 07:00 pm    and
Thursdays:         09:00 to 01:00 pm

Outside these hours you can reach us via e-mail.


We would like to thank you very much for agreeing to the increase in membership fees, which will enable us to advance the work of EASC in the coming year. A few words about this from our treasurer Volker Tepp:


"At the general assembly in September, we decided to increase the membership fees. After a number of years without an increase, it became clear that with the workload and increased demands, we are not able to guarantee the necessary resources of working time to do a reasonable office work. The General Assembly has therefore agreed to an increase in the following way:

Country group 1 (FL, CH, L, N)
from currently € 290 to € 370 as of 2021

Country group 2 (DK, A, S, D, F, FIN, UK, B, IS, IRL, I, NL,...)
from currently € 200 to € 250 as of 2021

Country group 3 (SP, P, GR, SLO,...)
from currently € 120 to € 150 as of 2021

Country group 4 (SK, LI, CZ, EST, LV, PL, BIH, TR, H,...)
from currently € 50 to € 60 from 2021 onwards

Due to the current situation with Corona, a two-stage increase for 2021 and 2022 was suggested. Originally, a one-time increase from e.g. 200 to 300 euros in country group 2 had been planned. The General Assembly has now decided to approve the fee increase for 2021, but to postpone the further increase in 2022.

For the work of the EASC, this increase means more room for manoeuvre in the finances: a possible increase in the hours of the office staff and higher expenses for the digitalisation of the administrative work as well as in the area of public relations, internet presence and Roundtable Coaching.

With the new membership fees, we are still in the middle of the pack among coaching and supervision associations. We hope that this increase, in the task of setting up the work of the EASC both, internally and externally, is comprehensible to the members.“


Further information on this year's General Assembly can be found in the minutes, which are available for you together with the reports from the committees in the internal download area.

You can also find the It's EASC Time show notes there.


We thank you for your trust in this turbulent year and wish you strength and energy for the coming challenges!

We look forward to continuing our journey together. Stay healthy!
Antonia Schweimer and Marlene Lange