Dear EASC-colleague,

Please find the invitation to this year’s annual members’ meeting in Eichstätt on 13th September 2018 attached to this email.

Yours sincerely,
The Board and Head Office, EASC.


Annual General Assembly of Members of 2018

held on Thursday, 13 September 2018, 18:00 to 20:00 hours at: Katholische Universität [Catholic University of] Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Ostenstraße 26, 85072 Eichstätt, Germany


Enclosed with this invitation you will find

  • The agenda for the General Assembly of 13 September 2018
  • The minutes of the General Assembly of 2017 (for your information)
  • A form for delegating your vote
  • Motions to the General Assembly of 2018 (not applicable: cf. Item 11 on the agenda)

If you would please register for the General Assembly until Friday, 31 August 2018 at the latest, using the link at our website, this will give us a good overview and therefore enable us to plan well.

Food and soft drinks will be offered in the canteen after the AGM! We hope that many of you will attend our General Assembly and we look forward to interesting discussions with you.

Susanne Rieger (President)
Volker Tepp (Treasurer, Head of the Office)


We would also like to inform you that on the same day, 13 September 2018, two Institutes’ Meetings will take place, the first from 11:00-13:00 hours and the second from 14:00-17:00 hours, both also at Katholische Universität [Catholic University of] Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.


Important information for members who can't attend

Members who can’t attend have the right to delegate their vote to another member.

Please send us the written delegation to the Office by 03 September 2018, if possible. You can also hand it to another member, who will bring it with them. Please be aware that individual members may not represent more than 3 votes. We attach a corresponding form to make the vote delegation easier for you.


Annual General Assembly of Members held on Thursday, 13 September 2018

Start: 18:00 hours

1. Welcome
2. Election of assembly chair and keeper of the minutes
3. Establishment of voting right
4. Amendments to the minutes
5. Reports    

  • President (First Chair)
  • Treasurer
  • Committee for Quality and Standards (CQS)
  • Ethics Commission
  • Institutes’ Meeting
  • Regional Groups, Expert Groups
  • Auditor Report

6. Approval of the Treasurer’s actions for 2017
7. Approval of the Board’s actions 
8. Decision on the budget for 2019; amendments to the budget of 2018
9. Election of the President of the Ethics Commission
(Edith Mause stands for re-election)
10. Election of the President of the CQS
(Sabine Busse-Kropla steps down from the office,
Hans-Günter Simon stands for election as interim chair holding office until the regular new election of the CQS in September 2019)
11. Discussion and decisions on presented motions (not applicable):    
No motions were received until the end of the deadline for submitting motions to the AGM of 2018 (26 July 2018).

End of the AGM: 20:00 hours


EASC Congress 2018

More information and registration for our congress can be found <link en latest-news easc-congress-2018 _blank>here.