Dear EASC members,
The EASC invites you to the next "It's EASC Time

April 21st 2021, 07.00 – 08.30 p.m (GMT +02:00)

Log-in Data
It‘s EASC Time
Meeting-ID: 919 4870 0072
Code: 317615

Book Launch: Transactional Analysis based Supervision in Theory and Practice

Presented by
<link in-ihrer-naehe profil karola-brunner>Karola Brunner Business Economist (FH), Coach & Mentoring Supervisor (EASC), Prov. Teaching and SupervisingTransactional Analyst (PTSTA).
Since 2010 self-employed in own practice, focussing on: leadership supervision, executive coaching, career counselling, further education and training.

<link in-ihrer-naehe profil matthias-sell>Matthias Sell  M.A., Psychological Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst, Teaching and SupervisingTransactional Analyst (TSTA), Teaching Therapist and Mentoring Supervisor, Director of the Training Institute INITA for Psychotherapy and for Depth Psychological Relational Supervision and Coaching, Mentoring Supervisor and Trainer for Supervision (EASC).

Karola Brunner and Mathias Sell have published the book "Transactional Analysis based Supervision In Theory and Practice" and invite us to share inspiring insights from it.

Transactional analysis concepts integrate well with other humanistic methods and prove effective in everyday supervision or training contexts. A special feature of this book is the focus on teams, organisations and trainings. All authors are very experienced trainers and practitioners.

With this presentation, our guests would like to share with you some interesting input that will encourage you to get to know the book better.

1. After the general arrival we start with a short "Welcome" round in small groups to get to know each other (10 min).

2. followed by an introduction by Susanne Rieger and the guests' contribution (45 minutes).

3. Afterwards you are invited to exchange in small groups about your supervision models and challenges from everyday supervision (30 minutes).

4. You should summarise the exchange of ideas in the small group into a question and write it in the chat.  These questions will serve as orientation for the selection of an author for the second part of the book presentation on 16.06.2021.

Linguistic comprehension:
The book presentation in plenary will be in German.
Translation into English, Czech and Spanish will be provided.
We kindly ask participants in these languages to inform the office about their coming by 20.04.2021.
As for the small groups, we we will provide translation and language understanding together.

We look forward to your active participation!

Warmest wishes,
Susanne Rieger and Volker Tepp
On behalf of the EASC Board

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