Dear EASC members,

we have created a new online format for networking, for the exchange of ideas and for our continuous training. For this, we invite you to our virtual meetings

"It's EASC Time".

The meetings will take place every third Wednesday of the month, from 7 to 8.30 pm, and will last all year long. The first event will be on 20.05.2020.

We are happy that we could find members who will give an input at the first meetings (about 20-40 min.) after which the debate will be opened to all participants to exchange ideas and grow together.

First thanks go to Beatriz Perez Gracia from Spain and to Christoph Seidenfus and Silke Stilp from Germany, who will contribute with their topics in the next months.

We will talk about online coaching, ethics in coaching, counselling and supervision in virtual processes, we will discuss the applicability of different dynamics, such as the “Reflecting Team”, to virtual supervision. We will also deal with the topic of cultural effects on relationships after Corona.

The start will be given by the EASC Board next Wednesday, 20.05.2020, from 19.00-20.30h. The link to the zoom meeting will reach you early next week.

We will report on new trends and ideas for and with the EASC, give insights into our work, present new cooperations with universities, reflect on online exams and talk about the reality in supervision and coaching in Covid-19 times in countries like Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, the UK and Spain

Please pass on: every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 19-20.30h "It's EASC -Time"

We are looking forward to our meeting and to exchange ideas with you! Warmest Wishes! Your EASC Board