Newsletter March 2023

Dear EASC Newsletter Subscribers,

With this newsletter we inform you regularly about news from EASC, the committees, regional groups and institutes as well as about interesting facts from the field of supervision and coaching.

The newsletter team is looking forward to contributors! If you would like to send us contributions for the next issues or would like to participate in the newsletter team, please contact us via our mail address:


CCA - JGSG partnership page for Global Festival


As we shared on LinkedIn: The Climate Coaching Alliance is hosting a free month-long festival of "Tools for Change" to inspire coaches around the world to support their clients and communities in addressing the climate and biodiversity crisis.

Even before the newsletter was published, the festival, the fifth organised by the CCA, had already started. Since the 2nd of March, 9 sessions with 11 inspiring speakers have been taking place. The sessions, spread across different global time zones, will be recorded live.

Registrations and participation are still open from the 6th to the 31st of March for the festival framework programme, which offers over 40 wide-ranging workshops and events in a variety of languages.

For more information and free registration, please click on this link:


CALL for Papers (for Workshop presenters) for the EASC Congress September 16th, 2023

Boundaries, not Borders: The road to international sustainable coaching and supervision in Europe


Dear colleagues

The EASC is looking forward to its next congress in the fall. It’s title is called: “Boundaries, not Borders: The road to international sustainable coaching and supervision in Europe”

Our next congress will take place online on Saturday September 16th, 2023 and we are making a call for papers for the day. If you would like to host a workshop, please read on. This even will be a totally virtual event.

We would like to explore all aspects of the question of how practitioners decide what to do, especially with regards to all kinds of sustainability and internationalization. We are also interested in how we as an organization are working together to meet the needs of its members. Finally, we want to explore how and what do we know as practitioners; how and what do our supervisees know, especially as a consequence of our work together.

Topics can be varied, such as how to grow and expand a practice either in practical or more philosophical terms; looking at what is “new” in coaching and supervision, including what might be expected for the next decade or so in the two professions; as well as aligning oneself with the newest accreditation ideas (badges, anyone?) and the skills needed for the next few years.

Most of you know, but just for the greater public, EASC stands for European Association for Supervision and Coaching. It is our interest to assure quality in coaching and supervision. Our members are professional coaches, supervisors and institutes whose goal it is to enhance, apply and train according to precisely defined quality features.

We will offer as a workshop format:

90-minute workshop: The 90-minute workshops (regardless of the number of presenters) must include individual and/or small group exercises that enable participants to put theory into practice and walk away with new ideas and/or tangible work products.

If you feel your subject matter is a great fit for this event, we invite you to apply now. The deadline to submit your proposal is April 15th, 2023. Please use the form and the declaration of consent. Please sent your proposal to

We are very pleased to accept your offers and look forward to hearing from you,

Patricia Jehle - EASC Board


Text v češtině


VÝZVA k předkládání příspěvků (na workshopy) na kongres EASC 16.09.2023

Boundaries, not Borders: cesta k mezinárodnímu udržitelnému koučování a supervizi v Evropě


Vážení kolegové

EASC se těší na svůj další kongres, který se uskuteční na podzim. Jeho název zní: "Boundaries, not Borders: Cesta k mezinárodnímu udržitelnému koučování a supervizi v Evropě".

Náš příští kongres se bude konat online v sobotu 16. září 2023 a na tento den vyhlašujeme výzvu k zasílání příspěvků. Pokud byste rádi uspořádali workshop, čtěte dále. I tento bude zcela virtuální akcí.

Rádi bychom prozkoumali všechny aspekty otázky, jak se odborníci z praxe rozhodují, co dělat, zejména s ohledem na všechny druhy udržitelnosti a internacionalizace. Zajímá nás také, jak jako organizace spolupracujeme na uspokojování potřeb svých členů. A konečně chceme prozkoumat, jak a co víme my jako odborníci z praxe; jak a co vědí naši svěřenci, zejména v důsledku naší společné práce.

Témata mohou být různá, například jak rozvíjet a rozšiřovat praxi, ať už z praktického, nebo spíše filozofického hlediska; podívat se na to, co je v koučování a supervizi "nového", včetně toho, co lze očekávat v příštích zhruba deseti letech v obou profesích; a také sladit se s nejnovějšími myšlenkami akreditace (odznaky, anyone?) a dovednostmi potřebnými pro příštích několik let.

Většina z vás to ví, ale jen pro širší veřejnost: EASC je zkratka pro Evropskou asociaci pro supervizi a koučování. Naším zájmem je zajistit kvalitu v koučování a supervizi. Našimi členy jsou profesionální koučové, supervizoři a instituty, jejichž cílem je zvyšovat, uplatňovat a školit podle přesně definovaných znaků kvality.

Nabídneme vám jako formát workshopu:

90minutový workshop: 90minutové workshopy (bez ohledu na počet přednášejících) musí zahrnovat individuální cvičení a/nebo cvičení v malých skupinách, která účastníkům umožní uplatnit teorii v praxi a odejít s novými nápady a/nebo hmatatelnými pracovními produkty.

Pokud máte pocit, že se vaše téma pro tuto akci hodí, vyzýváme vás, abyste se přihlásili již nyní. Termín pro podání návrhu je 15. dubna 2023. Použijte prosím formulář a prohlášení o souhlasu. Svůj návrh zašlete na adresu

Velmi rádi přijmeme vaše nabídky a těšíme se na vaše odpovědi,

Patricia Jehle - správní rada EASC


Regional Group Franconia / Upper Palatinate:

The next regional meeting will take place on 25 March 2023 in Rottendorf near Würzburg and online via Zoom. Susanne Richter (EASC supervisor trainer from near Munich) will give us an introduction to the topic of supervision. Interesting for all coaches who want to better understand the difference between supervision and coaching and practice first supervision skills. In addition, we will of course have plenty of time for networking and exchanging ideas.

To ensure that the online participants are fully integrated, we will use the MeetingOwl - a 360-degree camera with directional microphones that puts both the group and individual speakers in the right light.

Online guests from other regions are welcome. Binding registration is necessary, places are limited.

Info and registration here: