Newsletter Issue June 2019

Dear members of EASC

With this newsletter we intend to send you news about EASC, the bodies, the Regional Groups and the Institutes on a regular basis and disseminate facts worth knowing from the field of supervision and coaching. We are happy to add information on congresses, books, lectures, dates – please just send it to the Office or – ideally marked with the reference NEWS. We will publish the information in our news on the internet or in the newsletter.

If you don’t wish to receive this newsletter, just send a brief memo to


News from the Office

Volker Tepp writes us:
Changes at the Office of EASC – Sascha Ziebell left his job at the Officeas at the end of April. He had been responsible for the work at the Office for four years, accompanying many changes and a lot of growth. We take this occasion, too, to sincerely thank him for his commitment!

Our new employees Verena Alber and Marlene Lange started working for the Office at the beginning of April and have spent this period to get used to the work. They are both EASC Coaches themselves. I am very happy that we have been able to win them over as staff members. Together they currently work 23 hours a week at the Office. Both also introduce themselves in this newsletter:


Verena Alber


I am Verena Alber; 33 years old, business economist and coach. 
Born in the south of Germany, I have lived in Berlin since nearly 2 years now.
For many years I have been working as a youth leader and mentor for young adults together with my husband.

I love to see flourishing, whether in nature or in a person. Caring for plants and promoting people in a way that enables them to flourish is therefore a great pleasure to me.

As an economist I like to structure workflows efficiently.
As a coach I accompany people on their way to discover their potential.
As a hobby gardener I enjoy being in nature and taking care of plants.


Marlene Lange


I am Marlene Lange; environmental engineer, PhD, coach and TA consultant. I was born in Brazil nearly forty years ago. 

Grown up between Brazil, Germany and Chile, I have had the privilege to often adjust to unknown situations and constantly discover new things. It is perhaps no surprise that I enjoy deliberately prioritising things …

Water fascinates me – creeks, lakes, rivers, the sea – and I made this subject matter my first profession. Working with various different institutions and employers, I have dealt with aspects of water treatment and conservation.

I am moved by people – by how we write and transmit our story – and this is why I chose my second profession: as a freelancer I accompany people in seeing their path more clearly. I live with my husband and my two little daughters in the north of Berlin.


Reminder: Annual General Assembly of Members, Institutes’ Meeting, 25 years of EASC and more

All members of EASC are warmly invited to this year’s general assembly, which will take place on Thursday, 19 September 2019, 18.00 - 20.00 hours, at 10551 Berlin – Waldstraße 32. On Friday, 20 September 2019, 14.00 – 18.00 hours, we will hold our Institutes’ Meeting – and we look forward to our subsequent festive event on the occasion of our 25thanniversary!

A hint from the Office in this regard: we will celebrate the 25thanniversary of EASC! We are pleased if you can provide us with pictures or other documents from the history of EASC for this purpose. Please send them to the Office by post or email to


International Master Coach EASC certified

In 2020 EASC will offer the first training to become a certified International Master Coach. 
The training addresses experienced coaches who wish to obtain further qualification. The training will comprise a total of 250 units, covering topics such as interculturality, OD and change and the work with groups. The participants will also have to carry out 15 units of coaching processes accompanied by external mentoring supervision.

The training will not only be intercultural but also in fact internationally oriented. 4 x 5 training days each will take place in Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Spain, respectively. A two-day Master Coach evaluation workshop will conclude the training. EASC Mentoring Trainers will support the contents. The training will be held in English. The participants’ individual coaching processes can be held in the respective national language and/or mother tongue. You will soon find more detailed information at


EASC Congress in Eichstätt

Daniel and Jony Frei write us:
pictures and keynote speeches from Eichstätt are finally available, hosted on our server. They are available for download in a protected area as of now (the download option will expire on 30 June 2019). The two links can also be used in the newsletter.

This link will guide you to the pictures:

This link will guide you to the keynote speeches:

The password for all files is: Konferenz2018EASC

A nice article on our congress held in Eichstätt was published in the newsletter of IODA (International Organization Development Association). You will find it here:


Publication “Supervision and Coaching in the VUCA World”

Coaching and Supervision in the VUCA world – it is under this motto that we met in September for the EASC Congress in the Catholic University of Eichstätt and spent three days of very lively discussions and exchange between science and practice. The numerous contributions transmitted in keynote speeches and workshops presented insights that we would now like to publish in an anthology. We don’t want to structure this publication like a typical conference transcript but rather as a systematic, critical, thematic (coaching and supervision in the VUCA world) analysis of the theory and practice in this field. 

The anthology will be edited by the Catholic University and EASC together. It is our objective to have it published by Springer Verlag or another publisher of academic relevance and thus obtain the corresponding attention. The planned editorial deadline is 30 September 2019. 

All workshop leaders and keynote speakers are warmly invited to send their contributions, the call for papers with further information will be sent directly.

Janusz Surzykiewicz (Catholic University of Eichstätt) and Mathias Hofmann (EASC)



News from the Institutes and the Regional Groups


Susanne Rieger writes us on INDIALOGO Spain

- Indiálogo offers a seminar on change and / in coaching in Barcelona on 6 and 7 September. The seminar will be held in English and Spanish. We are happy to announce Jutta Kreyenberg as instructor

There are still some vacancies so if you want to attend the seminar, please contact:

From 4 to 7 July, the Institute Indiálogo will again hold a summer university in Barcelona. This time the topic will be group dynamics, supervision and coaching with groups and teams. Lectures, content-related input, group work, sessions of group supervision and intervision will alternate. We will work with interventions and methods from Transactional Analysis, Psychodrama and the Systems Theory. If you are interested, please contact:


Christoph Schalk writes us from Würzburg

I would like to act on your suggestion to send news and information. Although I don’t know when the next newsletter will be published and whether you wish to mention training courses in coaching that are not (yet) certified by EASC – here is one:

The next training course to become a coach or business coach organised by Würzburger Business Coach Akademie will start in May. All information at The certified psychologist Christoph Schalk (Master and Mentoring Coach EASC) and Helmut Martin (Master Coach EASC) are the trainers.


Amina Baar-Barenfels writes us from Barcelona

Here is a brief report on the 1st workshop held by the regional group in 2019:

On the 6 March we held the 22nd workshop of the Mediterranean regional group. This time musicologist Lorenzo Amaro Medina presented the topic “Music as a motor for self-experience”. The workshop consisted of three parts: one based on a group experience using selected pieces of music, one theoretical, participative part and finally a video documentation of a concert conducted by Prof. Amaro with the participation of 25 mentally instable persons. 

The workshop was attended by EASC members and other interested persons.


Edurne Pozueta Mendia and Jesús Hernández Aristu write us from Northern Spain

Edurne Pozueta Mendia and Jesús Hernández Aristu write us from Northern Spain

Meeting of the EASC regional group of Northern Spain 

On Saturday, 27 April 2019, eight members of the regional group of Northern Spain met in the premises of Mitxelena in Larraya (Navarra). The main objective of the meeting consisted in holding a workshop entitled “Death from the perspective of life”. 

A group member’s vital experience of facing illness provided the chance to examine in depth the meaning of losing health, projects and people and answer the question whether a loss can be a gain. 

It was also possible to talk about death – can death be lived as a gain, as another phase of life? Can life be lived from death?

All these questions resonated within each of the participants and, as always, something magical happened in this house, something difficult to express in words but very helpful for personal growth and wellbeing in life.


Jesús Hernández Aristu sends us information on his new publications


Title: Siempre mejorando lo presente. Coaching y supervisión al servicio de personas y organizaciones (Constantly improving what is present. Coaching and supervision at the service of people and organisations) 
Recommended retail price: 17 €. ISBN: 978-84-7768-361-2 

On the occasion of the 25thanniversary of the association Navarra Mitxelena, its president Professor Jesús Hernández Aristu has published a book on four central themes regarding coaching and supervision for people and organisations, exploring the meaning of these concepts within the European tradition.

On the one hand, as the author of the first chapter he examines how during the past few years coaching developed to virtually become a fashion, according to the motto “go get a coach” as a saviour to people in all kinds of life situations. At the same time he stresses the necessity of coaching for success in people’s personal, social and entrepreneurial life. The second part of the book focuses on companies, and in particular on social and health organisations. The third part relates to a long-standing debate in Sociology: the prevalence of the machine or the human being. The fourth part of the book, written by the Swiss Claus Walter, brings a new perspective: coaching of the heart.


Title: Pensar con el corazón, actuar comunicativamente. (Thinking with the heart, acting communicatively.)
Recommended retail price: 17€. ISBN 978-84-7768-375-9 

Unusual and surprising, this book presents social counselling as a new system of orientation and support for clients of social, health and/or education services and as an aid to people in a complex, individualised, ambivalent and internally globalised society. Social counselling professionals need new competences and qualifications, new theoretical frameworks and new social intervention techniques. The author, university professor for Social Work and Social Education since the late 70s, presents us the European philosophical-anthropological, sociological and psychological tradition that underlies all humanitarian activities (dialogue, communication theory and practice, the power of the word) and provides a concrete transfer to practical techniques of social intervention. He often uses examples from his teaching and practical activities in social counselling, thus achieving the required cohesion while focusing on the client of social, health and/or education services. 

Jesús Hernández Aristu studied Teaching, Philosophy, Theology, Education Sciences, Sociology and Psychology. He obtained a PhD in Education Sciences at the University of Deusto, Psychotherapist, Coach and Professor at the Public University of Navarra, author/co-author of more than 30 books (in various languages), 60 articles, Visiting Professor at the Pontifical University of Santiago de Chile, at Mönchengladbach, in Hungary, Honorary Senator of the University of Applied Sciences of Rhineland-Palatinate, Cross of Civil Merit from the German government, trainer of supervisors/coaches, founder of the association Mitxelena, Ispa., member of ANSE, partner of EASC, lecturer of the systemic approach of the German Systemic Society, participated in seven European projects, cooperation in the creation of three networks of universities and research and training institutes in Europe. 

To be acquired at:, by email: or in your bookshop of choice.


Contact and payment data (information from the Office)

Verena Alber and Marlene Lange write us: we are repeatedly faced with payment problems due to incorrect payment or contact data at our website. We therefore kindly ask all members: please keep your EASC online profile (contact and payment data) updated autonomously at all times.A small hint: according to the new by-laws of EASC (Art. 4) of 2017, any costs incurred by EASC due to returns caused by incorrect information shall be borne exclusively by the respective member.

In this context, a special hint for our members from Switzerland:unfortunately you cannot use the direct debit process since the cooperation between the banks isn’t working (the SEPA direct debit process is not accepted). Therefore please DO NOT record payment data in your online profile, but pay the invoice via PayPal (NEW) or transfer.

Thank you, we look forward to a cheerful cooperation with you.
Verena Alber and Marlene Lange