Newsletter Issue November 2019

Dear members of EASC

With this newsletter we intend to send you news about EASC, the bodies, the Regional Groups and the Institutes on a regular basis and disseminate facts worth knowing from the field of supervision and coaching. We are happy to add information on congresses, books, lectures, dates – please just send it to the Office or – ideally marked with the reference NEWS. We will publish the information in our news on the internet or in the newsletter.

If you don’t wish to receive this newsletter, just send a brief memo to


New members in the EASC board


Jo Birch lives in Edinburgh and works as executive coach, supervisor, counselor/psychotherapist. She works with a huge international network and has long-time experience working in diverse organizations of coaches and supervisors, partly as board member. In 2018 she held a workshop in Eichstätt and had an active part as guest of the EASC board in June 2019. She will introduce to the board her international networking and management experience.

Statement from Jo Birch on her election:
I am thrilled to be accepted as a Board Member of EASC and to be able to contribute to the work of this deeply conscientious group of practitioners. It is an opportunity to enhance the professions of supervision and coaching whilst also strengthening my relationships with colleagues throughout Europe. I'm looking forward to the journey together! Jo


Jonatan Frei is well-known within EASC as the Head of Social Media. He started the EASC presence and activity on Facebook and Instagram during the EASC Congress in Eichstätt and was very successful in taking EASC into the world of social media. Meanwhile we have an increasingly relevant number of followers. He was elected to the EASC board in September 2019 and we look forward to working with him for a vivid and colourful digital presence. Jonatan lives in Zürich and works as an EASC Coach, he is a member of 4progress GmbH.



Dear Sabine Busse-Kropla


The EASC says, thank you!


Thank you, Sabine, for your commitment of many years! We hope that as an ordinary member you will continue to accompany us with your questions, comments and lots of positive feedback!

Sabine Busse-Kropla was very active as a member of the quality committee of EASC (CQS) and specifically contributed enormously to the intensive revision of the manual, at first as an ordinary member of CQS and then as its chair. She spent many voluntary hours together with her colleagues of CQS, deliberating and deciding on enquiries and access requests for admission. Sabine always proceeded very diligently and empathically and found quite a number of solutions to not always simple cases.


EASC Congress Barcelona 2020 “Who am I in today’s changing world?”

The EASC Congress BARCELONA 2020 will start in 10 months.
We will meet from 18 – 19 September in Barcelona. Be prepared for booking your travel. More and more news will be published on our homepage soon.

We will change the congress for more dialogue and open space / innovation lab elements. Call for workshops and speed presentations: see below.

will start end of 2019.


Call for workshops and speed presentations

EASC is looking for workshops and speed presentations during the congress in Barcelona from 18 – 19 September 2020: WHO AM I IN TODAY’S CHANGING WORLD? There will be 10 workshops (90 minutes each) and a number of speed presentations (10 minutes each) linked to an open space afterwards.

If you are interested in presenting yourself and discussing an issue of your work, please contact until 10.01.2020.



EASC and the climate

EASC supports the climate debate. Whenever possible, we communicate via telephone and video conferences already now and we will do so even more. In future, EASC will pay CO2 offsetting for inevitable travel expenses of all its panels (Board, CQS, Ethics Commission). We will do this via


News from the Institutes and the Regional Groups

Susanne Rieger writes:

The Institute Indiálogo – Instituto de formación y desarrollo profesional y personal, Barcelona, will start two new training courses in 2020:
The 7th edition of the training in coaching will start in February!
And our 4th edition of the training in supervision will start in June!
The training, which will end with an EASC certification, will mainly be held in Spanish!
In 2020, Indiálogo will also start a training course in leadership competence.
Already this year, 6 – 8 and 27 – 29 November, the advanced Train the Trainer course will be held in Barcelona.
You can find more information on our website: or ask Susanne Rieger:


Amina Baar-Baarenfels writes:

The Mediterranean Regional Group held its 23rd workshop on 13 June 2019, as usual in the Coworking Center CREC at the foot of the mountain Montjuïc, just next to the port of Barcelona. This time Susanne Rieger presented the differences between intervision and the reflecting team, two very interesting and useful methods of peer consulting among colleagues. There was an inspiring discussion between EASC and inner-company coaching colleagues, covering the practice as well as examples from participants for a next workshop.



Coaching meets research

The 6th International Coaching Conference «Coaching meets Research ... Coaching Essentials 1980 – 2050» will take place in Olten/Switzerland on 9 – 10 June 2020. Important: additional exclusive workshops will be held on 8 June 2020.

The EASC supports this congress.
We are looking forward to being in dialogue with fantastic colleagues.


Supervision and Wikipedia

Detlef Saalfrank (Bielefeld) sends us a suggestion:

Could you launch a call for reviews in the newsletter?
Especially in view of the fact that other languages are required, as well.

Please take a look at the Wikipedia entry:

For supervision, for example, a reference to EASC or the Round Table is missing. And some wordings seem to be a bit obsolete. The theory and, for example, the TA organisation and other related fields might also be described here, too, as well as, of course, a potentially philosophical aspect (e.g. the idea of autonomy).