October 2017 Newsletter

Dear member, dear subscriber,

we are pleased to send you enclosed our recent newsletter (issue February 2016) including the latest information about the EASC.

If you have any questions, suggestions or criticism, you are welcome to directly contact our office.

We hope you enjoy reading the newsletter.

Kind regards, 
Mathias Hofmann and your EASC Board



Ethical Guidelines

The Ethical Guidelines were finally discussed and adopted by the Institute's meeting and the General Assembly in September 2017. The EASC would like to thank the Ethic Committee, led by Edith Mause, for their excellent work. We are very pleased with the result.

A summary of the ethics guidelines can be found in the download area of ​​the homepage:
Summary of Ethics Guidelines

The longer version and a guide on how the ethical guidelines can be used in education are available to the institutes and are available at the office.


Cooperation EASC-ANSE

We have continued our cooperation with ANSE, the European Association of National Supervision Associations, and will continue to intensify our partnership. Jan Koznar as member of the EASC board took part in the summer seminar of the ANSE in Rotterdam in 2017. Inese Stankus-Visa, from Riga, Member of the Board of ANSE, participated in the Institute's meeting, the lecture meeting and the EASC General Assembly in Berlin in September 2017. We have experienced the exchange with the ANSE and with Ines as professionally very interesting and on a personal note very friendly. As organizations, EASC and ANSE both pursue the goal of representing the interests of coaches and supervisors at European level, and it is extremely useful to formulate common ground and act together. As a medium-term goal, we have the focus on the establishment of professional supervision and coaching with a high quality level at European level. As a first joint step there is to be a working breakfast with EU politicians in Brussels next year. This is where we want to work together with ANSE and EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) as three associations with a common concern.


We warmly welcome 2 new institutes in the EASC

The EASC continues to grow, we are now not only 585 members, we are able also to welcome two new training institutes in our European Association:

1. The Institute Remedium Prague, headed by Bohumila Bastecka.
2. The Institute for Development Consultancy in Bechtsrieth (Germany), head Sigrid Stilp.


Bohumelia Institute introduces itself


REMEDIUM Praha entered the non-governmental sector as one of the first non-profit organizations in Czech Republic after the Velvet Revolution in the autumn of 1991.

Its educational program Management and Supervision in helping professions started in 2004 after the project Optimization of the Education System for Supervisors in Social Services. Besides training, professional guarantors and lectors of the program with the support of the institute strive also to cultivate the collaboration of supervision schools in CZ (series of colloquia on team supervision, practical textbook Team supervision, colloquia concerning supervision at schools and supervision of management).

The institute was presented in Berlin by one of professional guarantors of the educational program Bohumila Baštecká, Ph.D. (supervisor, clinical psychologist, community crisis worker and lecturer from the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University, Prague) on behalf of two other professional guarantors and EASC trainers, psychologists PhDr. Milan Kinkor and Doc. PhDr. Jan Kožnar, CSc. She mentioned the supervision emphasises of the Remedium Praha: supervision as a tool for human resource development; value-based supervision (responsibility, partnership, development, perspective from above); multilateral supervision contracts.


The Institute for Development Consultancy in Bechtsrieth

The Institute for Development Consultancy in Bechtsrieth is located in the south-east of Germany (between Nuremberg and Pilsen in the Czech Republic). It has been in existence for 20 years, providing training for coaches, supervisors, trainers, moderators and logosynthesis. The next training group will be launched in March 2018. Sigrid Stilp writes about the specificity of the institute: "Logosynthesis, SIZE trainer and consultant: my annual group members receive a SIZE (R) profile upon receipt of the registration fee. I attach great importance to the mediation of a broad range of methods. Through real coaching with real clients the members already gain great experience during the training. Small training groups of max. 12 guarantee individual learning and personal accompaniment by the institute management. In addition to my expertise in systemic supervision and coaching, the professors working at the institute have competences in the fields of Kinesiology and NLP. " 

Institut für Entwicklungsberatung

Asternweg 8
92699 Bechtsrieth

Bismarckstr. 1
92637 Weiden




In portrait: Our member Andrea Bekaan


We would like to revive the exchange possibilities amongst each other and it is good to know a little and to see how we connect. Andrea Bekaan took part in the VUCA workshop in Berlin in September. We exchanged a few points for online coaching and online training and I asked her to introduce herself.

Interesting answers to 6 short questions from Andrea Bekaan:

  1. Name
    Andrea Bekaan

  2. Profession, qualification
    Psychologist, coach EASC, online Trainer

  3. Specialization, outstanding competence
    Online coaching, online training, intercultural competence, self-regulation

  4. Company, network
    BekaanCoaching, EASC

  5. What do you like to talk about?
    – Living life between cultures
    – phenomenas of our time
    – finding hope

  6. And some private
    I enjoy kiting, the beach, being out in nature and acapella music


EASC-Congress Eichstätt 2018: Supervision and coaching in the VUCA world.

We cordially invite you to the EASC CONGRESS on the 14th and 15th of September 2018 in Eichstätt. Our topic will be coaching and supervision in the face of rapid changes and increasing complexity and uncertainty in the economy and society as a whole. Under the keyword VUCA (volatility, insecurity, complexity, ambiguity), this change is discussed in science, in organizations and in the coaching and supervision community. We are interested in how VUCA affects the working conditions, the working methods and the training of coaches and supervisors.

As a key-note speakers, we have already been able to invite Prof. Stefan Kühl, an organization sociologist at the University of Bielefeld and Dr. Christoph Schmidt-Lellek from Frankfurt am Main.

We are meeting in the University of Eichstätt, where our cooperation partner Prof. Dr. Janusz Surzykiewicz is looking forward to hosting the EASC congress. Eichstätt is in Franconia, about 80 km south of Nuremberg. Sufficient accommodation in various categories is available.

In addition to the three key notes, we will plan workshops as usual, we are looking forward to your contributions from practice and from science. Please note the Call for Speakers.

Small incentive: Workshop speakers receive a 50% discount on the congress fees.

Congress program:

Thursday 13.09.2018

18.00 to 20.00 – Annual General Assembly of Members

Friday 14.09.2018

10.00 – Opening
10.30 – Key Note 1 –Prof. Dr. Stefan Kühl
12.00 – Lunch
13.00 – Key Note II Dr. Christoph Schmidt - Lelleck
15.00 – Workshops
18.30 – Plenary
19.00 – Congress Party 

Saturday 15.09.2018

09.00 – Come together
09.30 – Key Note III  N.N.
11.30 – Workshops
13.00 – Lunch
14.00 – Plenary EASC 2025
16.00 – Closing 

The key notes will be kept in English or translated into English.

Call for Papers: Please submit abstracts for workshops. The form for abstracts will soon be available on the homepage. (https://www.easc-online.eu/de/aktuelles/easc-kongress-2018/) As a European association, we prefer English as the workshop language. If you need a translation, we kindly ask you to organize this yourself.

Our offer of speakers from workshops: 50% discount on the congress contribution. (1 person per workshop)

Please submit the first abstracts to workshops until the 01.12.2017. We will include these first selections in the program. For further submissions up until 30.04.2018, the last free workshop places will be given.


VUCA Workshop 2017 09 - Master-Coach Workshop

For the setting up of training courses for Master Coaches, the EASC will offer a workshop for trainers and teacher supervisors on 19.02.18 in Berlin.


Annual General Meeting 15.09.2017 in Berlin

At this year's meeting, representatives from almost all EASC institutes from all over Europe participated, many regional groups were represented, of course all the boards and a few members who are simply members. Of course we are particularly pleased, because we are an organization that is very much benefiting from the encounters and regular interpersonal exchanges. We will therefore continue to link the Annual Meeting to the two-yearly EASC congress, or through events such as the lecturers meeting with lectures, institute meeting, or through workshops for members (such as the VUCA Workshop this year), and always provide for socializing and catering. Volker Tepp was also an excellent host with his coaching institute this year and has provided space, atmosphere and delicacies. Our many thanks to him!

The minutes are made accessible to all members, but here are some notes:

We have finalized the Ethics Guidelines with thanks to Edith Mause and the Ethic Committee.

Volker Tepp, Jan Koznar and Daniel Frey were confirmed for a further term of office in their board roles, with Susanne Rieger as chairman and Mathias Hofmann (who did not have to be re-elected), the Board continues its work with continuity. The financial situation examined and all in order. The CQS will continue to work with Sabine Busse-Kropla, Amina Baar-Baarenfels, Irena Svabova and Hans Günter Simon. We have new auditors: thanks to Peter Eichenauer and Brigitte Koch for taking over this important task, and many thanks to Petra Dröge and Rainer Chrupala for their commitment in recent years.

With 585 members, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the expenses for mailing or bank collection to a reasonable level without the information of the members on changes to addresses and bank data. The Annual General Meeting has therefore decided (unanimously) to give some responsibilities to the individual members in this context so that the office can take care of the important things for all members. Please notify change of bank account and changes of email address and postal address directly to the office. The new regulation states that repayment and bank charges due to wrong bank or address data are to be borne by the respective members and not by the community.


News from regional groups

The meeting in Berlin in September showed once again that in many regions, EASCs regularly meet supervisors and coaches in regional groups in order to advise colleagues on cases or to discuss supervision and coaching. Some also reported special actions, such as combining art and coaching. The members of the Executive Board, the CQS and the Ethics Committee are, if this is interesting, enthusiastic guests in regional groups. Many regional groups are also open to non-members.


Regional Group Spain-North

We would like to regularly present regional groups in the newsletter. For this issue, we asked the regional group of Spain-North to answer some (concise) questions:

  • Region:
    Easc España Grupo Norte

  • Spokerperson:
    Silvia Costa

  • Number of members:

  • Current topic:
    Establish and expand groups, further education

  • Special event 2017/18:
    1 Further training course (See appendix) and two meetings more. Art and advice (Asesor-arte) and Excursion around the sea "La mar, el tiempo y la vida".
  • Three words to you:
    All are educated people from different social and educational professions, there are those who come from technological, legal and other fields and have all been trained in Asociacion Navarra Mitxelena. Very interested in the matter of consulting people.

  • What should everyone know?
    How important education is and how they make sure that the consultants do a good job.

Interview with Silvia Reichert

"Silvia Reichert de Palacio - a connoisseur of people and places" This is the title of the extensive interview conducted by Beatrix Hasse, coach, trainer and journalist with Silvia Reichert. She is an EASC coach, lives in Palma di Majorca, and is an expert on Feng Shui, Deep Ecology and Pilgrimage. Her work is multifaceted: she creates gardens, interiors and workplaces, lectures, workshops, writing articles, writing, and has already written several books on the garden design of Feng Shui.

She commutes regularly between Germany and Mallorca: on the Balearic Island, she also offers day trips and pilgrimages to place of power. In the interview, the long-standing EASC member talks about what connects people and places and why mindfulness is so important to their work. Read the interview on our homepage in the download section below:

You can read the complete interview here lesen.

For more information on the work of Silvia Reichert de Palacio: http://www.geocultura.com


Next Newsletter

The next newsletter will be published in early 2018, then with detailed information about the EASC Congress in Eichstätt 2018 Coaching and Supervision in the VUCA world. In the meantime, we will send news via email, please also pay attention to our news page on the homepage https://www.easc-online.eu/de/aktuelles/easc-kongress-2018/

Any news from you please as always send to Mathias.Hofmann@easc-online.eu or